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Let's Shatter the Cycle!
The Hope section of this page is some of the things that have helped me move from Victim to Survivor. It is my hope that they will help you too! Take what you like and leave the rest.
Transform Your Mindset
Permission to report abuse - April Hardy
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I am unconditionally loved - April Hardy
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Permission to ask for help - April Hardy
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Permission to advance in life - April Hardy
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I don't have to put everyone... - April Hardy
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I value myself, my time... - April Hardy
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I don't have to keep quiet - April Hardy
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Permission to dream - April Hardy
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I don't have to stand by... - April Hardy
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Permission to take care of myself - April Hardy
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I am capable of supporting myself... - April Hardy
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I deserve to be protected... - April Hardy
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I deserve to be safe - April Hardy
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I'm important too - April Hardy
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Permission for future plans - April Hardy
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I can have a relationship with God - April Hardy
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I have a sound mind... - April Hardy
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I have a right to a life free of abuse - April Hardy
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Music That Has Helped Me
Healing Sounds
Coping Techniques Ideas
I don't believe that every stress reducing technique is helpful for every person. I was taught many and I only really latched onto a couple. However, I will put a variety of things to try here. Give them all a shot. See what is helpful to you.
* When you find one or more that you like, practice them frequently so that when you are in crisis they will come to your mind.
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